

  • Druk Path Trekking


旅行优惠费用 – $ 美元 1750 pp | 旅行时间 : 7 天

这次徒步旅行充满了美妙的文化之旅,以及对自然美景的冒险体验。这次旅行将带您穿越迷人的山脉,体验和欣赏完整的建筑修道院和古巴。郁郁葱葱的风景、古老的寺院、纪念碑、古巴、宗和寺庙也是游客的主要景点。当您沿着这次旅行旅行时,您会看到壮观的、原始的和白雪皑皑的山脉,它分隔了帕罗和廷布山谷。途中可以看到一个平静而美丽的湖泊,那里有巨大的鳟鱼,也是主要景点。佛教人口稠密的地区拥有他们的文化、传统和生活方式,还探索郁郁葱葱的风景和迷人的山脉背景下的佛教寺院,使这次旅行更加愉快和兴奋。帐篷营地,自己做饭,睡在月光下,在闪闪发光的雪峰前闪烁的星星,让人感到难忘的快乐和幸福,感觉就像生活在梦里。最佳旅行时间是 3-5 月和 9-11 月。这次徒步旅行非常适合文化和自然


第 1 天:到达帕罗
第 2 天:虎穴寺适应徒步
第 3 天:Paro-Jele Dzong(10 公里,4-5 小时,上升 1090 米。)徒步旅行开始
第 4 天:Jele Dzong-Jangchulakha(10 公里,4 小时,上山 310 米,下山 50 米。)
第 5 天:Jangchulakha-Jimilangtsho-Langrithang(15 公里,4-5 小时,上山 330 米,下山 310 米。)
第 6 天:Langrithang-Tsaluna-Thimphu(11 公里,4 小时,下降 800 米。)跋涉结束
第 7 天:廷布-帕罗 离开帕罗



  • 私人车辆的所有地面交通,包括机场接送
  • 协助获得不丹签证和签证费
  • 不丹政府批准的帕罗和廷布三星级酒店住宿
  • 2人成团时单人房附加费
  • 徒步旅行和旅游期间的全膳(早餐、午餐和晚餐)
  • 徒步旅行期间的帐篷住宿
  • 政府。训练有素的指南和必要的编号。搬运工的膳食、工资和保险
  • 游览期间将提供矿泉水,徒步期间将提供开水
  • 旅游/徒步旅行期间的所有入场/许可费用
  • 所有适用的政府税和旅游服务费
  • 我们的办公费用和服务费


  • 行程中“包含的餐食”中未指定的餐食”
  • 国际航班
  • 加德满都的住宿
  • 尼泊尔入境和再入境签证费
  • 个人购物、网络/电话费和洗衣
  • 小马服务和搬运工



    • 我们已完成了由导游查尔斯带领的伦比尼、博卡拉和奇特旺之旅。我们对这次旅行感到非常满意,并感到非常愉快!我们由衷感谢贵公司安排了如此敬业、负责且勤奋的员工!

      We have completed our tour of Lumbini, Pokhara, and Chitwan with guide Charles. We are all extremely satisfied with this trip and felt very happy! We sincerely thank your company for assigning such dedicated, responsible, and hardworking employees!

      Jin Quanlu

      Jin Chitwan – Pokhara and Lumbini Tour
    • We were extremely pleased with the level of care and service during this journey. Our tour guide provided thoughtful, patient, and meticulous attention, always staying vigilant and ensuring our needs were met with the utmost detail. Additionally, the driver worked tirelessly, enduring scorching heat and heavy rain, and despite insufficient rest, remained cheerful and optimistic while serving us. Their dedication allowed us to experience unparalleled warmth, kindness, and genuine human care throughout the trip.


      Xiao Li

      Xiao Li
      Xiao Li


      Xiao Li Thank your so much Charles
    • 这次旅行我们都非常满意,开心快乐!在此,我们由衷感谢贵公司派出这么敬业负责、任劳任怨的员工!

      We are all extremely satisfied with this trip and felt very happy! Here, we sincerely thank your company for assigning such dedicated, responsible, and hardworking employees!

      Chen Wei

      Chen Wei
      Chen Wei
      Chen Wei We are very Satisfied !
    • Charles, as our tour guide, was always enthusiastic, patient, and attentive, making our team’s journey feel like being at home. Every part of our itinerary was well-organized, and the safety measures were carefully implemented, allowing us to truly enjoy the joy and relaxation of the trip.


      Wei Jifeng (WQ1599882008)

      Wei Jifeng
      Wei Jifeng
      Wei Jifeng Charles, as our tour guide
    • Li Yaohui这次危难的分子我们非常满意,导游对我们的服务周到、耐心、细心,一直为我们站岗放哨,细心周到。还有司机师傅,顶着烈日,冒着风雨,辛苦劳累地同乘休息不够的情况下,依然开心乐观地为我们服务。让我们感受到了无微不至的人文关怀和温情友善。

      游客署名: 李耀辉

      Thank you, Charles, our tour guide!

      We are very satisfied with this trip. The tour guide provided us with thoughtful, patient, and meticulous service, always staying vigilant and attentive to our needs. The driver also worked tirelessly, enduring the scorching sun and heavy rain, providing cheerful and optimistic service even under conditions of insufficient rest. This allowed us to experience a deep sense of care, warmth, and kindness.

      Li Yaohui

      Li Yaohui

      Li Yaohui Thank you, Charles ! 感谢查尔斯导游!
