Trekking in Nepal

Impact of Emigration in Nepal

When people move from place to place they make adjustments in their personal and socio-
cultural lives. It is difficult to ascertain the true social or economic benefits of their mobility.
Many factors affect calculation/analysis of benefits and costs involved when people move
from one place to another place. Firstly, we cannot say that movements are always beneficial.
Secondly, the advantages and disadvantages of moving along are not symmetrical. Because
of all these things the study is less able to analyze the true ‘social and economic benefits’ of
the emigrants. Whether the emigration has demographic effects? How emigration is affecting
social values? Whether emigration has favorable or unfavorable effect in the village life?
Whether emigration has economic advantages or not? This section is concentrated on certain
demographic, economic and social variables. Though it attempts to analyze the above
variables in some details, there have been some limitations on the analysis because of lack of
accurate information.
